Want to help support the economic and community development of the BIPOC community of the Berkhsires

Sponsor The SUCC3SS Accelerator!

Accelerator Summary

What is the Success Impact Accelerator?

A series of sector-specific discussion and learning sessions targeted at BIPOC community members and leaders to update and further develop a comprehensive platform for the continued development and health of the Berkshire BIPOC community.  

A combination of Idea Jams, Speaker Series, Workshops, Roundtables, and ongoing digital resources. 

The series will culminate in a designed framework/blueprint for community collaboration and execution, including an Equity and Empowerment  Summit to educate and inspire the community on how to collaborate and incorporate the recommendations and proposals region-wide for ongoing development.

How it works

The Berkshire BIPOC SUCC3SS Accelerator is designed to leverage crucial data to drive the economic and social advancement of BIPOC communities in Berkshire. This initiative fosters a collaborative environment where businesses, government, and non-profits can work together to ensure equitable development and enhanced community services.

The Mission

“To empower and uplift the BIPOC communities of Berkshire by providing actionable data, creating economic opportunities, and enhancing collaboration across sectors.”

The Vision

“To create a thriving Berkshire where data-driven insights lead to equitable and sustainable community development.”

The Goals

Community Engagement

Build a robust network of collaboration between government, private sector, and community organizations to foster comprehensive development initiatives

Data Democratization

Ensure all community stakeholders have access to and can effectively use relevant data to make informed decisions.

Economic Empowerment

Facilitate economic growth by identifying and addressing gaps in the market and resources available to BIPOC businesses.

Interested in sponsoring the accelerator?

The Problems

And Opportunities

Slow Response to Community Changes

Challenge: Traditional development efforts often lack the agility to respond quickly to changing community needs or crises.

Solution: The dynamic nature of the data-driven approach in the Accelerator allows for real-time insights and rapid adjustment of strategies in response to new information or emerging challenges.

Cultural and Contextual Misalignment

Challenge: Traditional development approaches often overlook the specific cultural and social contexts of BIPOC communities, leading to less effective and poorly received initiatives.

Solution: The Accelerator ensures that all development strategies are culturally competent and tailored to the unique contexts of the communities it serves. This focus increases the effectiveness, acceptance, and sustainability of initiatives by aligning them with local values and needs.

Inequitable Access to Resources

Challenge: Historically, BIPOC communities have faced systemic barriers to accessing economic opportunities and resources. This disparity is often exacerbated by a lack of targeted data to inform policy and private sector action.

Solution: By focusing specifically on the needs and strengths of the BIPOC communities, the Accelerator ensures that data-driven solutions directly address these inequalities, promoting fair distribution of economic and social resources.

Interested in sponsoring the accelerator?

Our Sponsors & Partners

We couldn't do it with our our amazing partners.

Our Sponsorship Levels

Sector Sponsorships


$ 20,000
  • Logo as presenting sponsor on all marketing materials (Idea Jam Invite, Idea Jam Facebook Page, Idea Jam event banners, etc).
  • Official Sponsorship statement to be read at the event
  • Sponsor Logo on a 3 to 5-minute narrative video promotion of the event.
  • Sponsor 4 episodes of the “Success Is For Everyone” podcast.
  • Logo as Presenting Sponsor on Blackshires Success Participant Idea Jam Report.
  • Full Page Inside Cover Ad featured in Blackshires Success Participant ID3A Jam Report.
  • Logo Sponsor on Blackshires Success Participant swag bag, T-shirt & your product promotions at the Success ID3A Jam.
  • 20 printed copies of the idea jam report.
  • Early Access to station data prior to public report publishing.
  • Highlighted section sponsor of strategic recommendations and executive summary in the Blackshires Success Participant report.
  • Free Directory of Black Businesses & Industry Professionals (deliverable from idea jam for the report).
  • Official Sponsor statement to be read at the event as well as appear on the website & in the printed report.
  • 40-minute video podcast interview with the sponsoring organization leader.
  • Listed Title Sponsor in Black Business and Black Industry Directory in the back of the report.


$ 10,000
  • Name & Logo on all marketing materials (ID3A Jam Invite, ID3A Jam Facebook Page, ID3A Jam event banners, etc).
  • Official Sponsorship statement to be read at the event
  • Sponsor Logo on a 3 to 5-minute narrative video promotion of the event.
  • Sponsor 4 episodes of the “Success Is For Everyone” podcast.
  • Logo on Cover Page of the Blackshires Success Participant Idea Jam Report.
  • Full Page Inside Cover Ad featured in Blackshires Success Participant Idea Jam Report.
  • Logo Sponsor on Blackshires Success Participant swag bag, T-shirt & your product promotions at the Success Idea Jam.
  • 20 printed copies of the ID3A Jam report.
  • Early Access to station data prior to public report publishing.
  • VIP Invitation to follow up Blackshires Success Accelerator roundtable.
  • Official Sponsor statement to be read at the event as well as appear on the website & in the printed report.
  • 40-minute video podcast interview with the sponsoring organization leader.
  • Listed Title Sponsor in Black Business and Black Industry Directory in the back of the report.

Sector Sponsorships


$ 5000
  • Name & Logo as Major Sponsor on all marketing materials (ID3A Jam Invite, ID3A Jam Facebook Page, ID3A Jam event banners, etc).
  • Mention as Major Sponsor in the opening and closing sessions of the event.
  • Sponsor Logo on a 3 to 5-minute narrative video promotion of the event.
  • Sponsor 2 episode of the “Success Is For Everyone” podcast.
  • Logo placement on the Major Sponsors section of the ID3A Jam Report.
  • Half Page Ad in the Blackshires Success Participant Idea Jam Report.
  • Opportunity to provide promotional items or samples in the event swag bag.
  • 10 printed copies of the ID3A Jam report.
  • Early Access to station data prior to public report publishing.
  • VIP Invitation to a special networking session hosted after the ID3A Jam event.
  • Official Sponsor statement to appear on the website & in the printed report.
  • 20-minute video podcast interview with the sponsoring organization leader.
  • Section Sponsor Directory of Black Businesses & Industry Professionals (deliverable from idea jam for the report).


$ 2500
  • Name & Logo as Featured Sponsor on selected marketing materials (ID3A Jam Website, ID3A Jam Facebook Event, ID3A Jam Email Invitation).
  • Mention as Featured Sponsor in the opening and closing sessions of the event.
  • Sponsor 1 episode of the “Success Is For Everyone” podcast.
  • Logo placement on the Featured Sponsors section of the ID3A Jam Report.
  • Quarter Page Ad in the Blackshires Success Participant Idea Jam Report.
  • Opportunity to provide promotional items or samples in the event swag bag.
  • 5 printed copies of the ID3A Jam Report.
  • Early Access to selected data snippets from the Idea Jam report prior to public publishing.
  • VIP Invitation to a special networking session hosted after the ID3A Jam event.
  • Official Sponsor statement to appear on the website & in the printed report.


$ 1000
  • Name as General Sponsor on selected marketing materials (ID3A Jam Website, ID3A Jam Facebook Event, ID3A Jam Email Invitation).
  • Logo placement on the General Sponsors section of the ID3A Jam Report.
  • Opportunity to provide promotional items or samples in the event swag bag.
  • 3 printed copies of the ID3A Jam Report.
  • Early Access to selected data snippets from the Idea Jam report prior to public publishing.
  • VIP Invitation to a special networking session hosted after the ID3A Jam event.
  • Official Sponsor statement to appear on the website.